Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Friday: morning at the Spice Market and street shots (part 1)

Friday was our last day of the trip.  We had an empty morning, and then 2 short business trips in the afternoon.  I took a lot of pics that day, so I'm breaking it up into several different posts.

You may have noticed a lack of food shots in the blog.  That's because I always seemed to have the same thing during the trip -- if it wasn't chicken kabobs, it was hamburgers.  (I dislike both now.)  And for breakfast, it was always -- ALWAYS -- bread.  So much bread.  Only bread.  They had other options, but I couldn't eat them (olives, cheese, eggs, more olives, etc.).  So bread for me.  Oh, and sometimes the bread had olives, as I found as I was eating this piece of bread that day:


Anyway, then Wil, Raminder, Sonny, and myself walked to the Spice Market and then the surrounding streets.  Some pics:

Throughout the trip, Wil and I sometimes took the same shot of a situation.  We did so at this grid:

My pic was terrible.  Wil's, naturally, was great.  Check out his shot here.

One shop apparently got the presidential seal of approval:

More pics of Friday morning to come.

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